If your child is ill, you must call the absence line by 8:15 in the morning on each day of absence. The telephone number is 01603 454015 or alternatively, you can email [email protected].
Any student who is absent from school at the morning or afternoon registration period must have their absence recorded as being authorised, unauthorised, or as an approve educational activity (attendance out of school.) Only the Headteacher or a member of staff acting on their behalf can authorise absence.
Our attendance policy can be found here
Holidays during term time will not be authorised unless there are exceptional circumstances for this request. Where a parent / carer wishes to make a request, they should put this in writing to the Headteacher for consideration. Any period of leave taken without the agreement of the school, or in excess of that agreed, will be classed as unauthorised and may attract sanctions such as a penalty notice. We may also refuse a child’s participation in extra curricular activities or trip/visits which affect attendance further.
Where a request is made for time off in term time due to other circumstances (e.g. for religious observance, representation in sports/music at regional or national level etc.), these should also be put in writing to the Assistant Headteacher and House Leader to discuss. You will be informed if this request has been approved.
Please contact your child’s House Team if you have any questions regarding the above.
CNS does not provide remote learning for general absence.
Should the school have an emergency school closure for more than one day parents will be contacted with guidance for learning from home.
If your child is absent and is able to undertake learning from home or needs to catch up on missed learning we recommend the following sites.
Morning registration takes place at 8.35am. All students are expected to be in form for the start of registration. Lateness before 9.05am will be recorded as Late and addressed by the Assistant Headteacher and House Leader. Detentions will be set for those who are late to Form time. Lateness after 9.05am will be coded as an unauthorised absence for the morning session unless there is an acceptable reason given. The afternoon session of attendance will be recorded at the start of the 5th period of the day. Lates will be recorded if a student is not present in their classroom after lunchtime for the start of the lesson.