Pastoral Care and Managers

At CNS, we have a pastoral manager for each house. They are available to students, parents/carers and staff. They bring together and act on information received from students, parents/carers and teachers as well as from outside agencies such as the school’s medical and psychological services.

The pastoral team are here to support your child’s wellbeing and welfare. Any concerns about behaviour, bullying or uniform should be directed to the pastoral team manager for your child’s house.

Kelling Pastoral ManagerSharon Moncur-Pearce[email protected]
Blakeney Pastoral ManagerDebbie Roberts[email protected]
Winterton Pastoral ManagerChloe Edwards[email protected]
Thornham Pastoral ManagerJon Beales[email protected]
Holkham Pastoral ManagerZeta Matthews[email protected] 
Sixth Form Pastoral ManagerLottie King – Year 12
Louise Cooper – Year 13
[email protected][email protected]