
The 16 to 19 Bursary Fund provides financial support to help students overcome specific barriers to participation so they can remain in education.

There are two types of 16 to 19 bursaries:

Bursaries for defined vulnerable groups

  • Student in care
  • Student lives independently having left Local Authority care
  • Student is in receipt of Income support or Universal Credit
  • Student is disabled and in receipt of both Employment Support Allowance and Disability Living Allowance (or incapacity benefit)

Discretionary bursaries which institutions award using policies they set, in line with national funding rules

  • Priority 1: Students eligible for free school meals or whose parents maintain a current ‘NHS Tax Credit Exemption Certificate’
  • Priority 2: Students whose household income is below £25k and have 2 or more siblings in full-time education
  • Priority 3: Students whose household income is below £22.5k per annum
  • Priority 4: Students whose Household income is below £27k per annum
  • Priority 5: Students who have been affected by a sudden exceptional change in financial circumstances.

Both types of bursary funding are designed to help students overcome individual financial barriers to participation, and institutions must ensure the funds go to those who genuinely need them.


The academic year of 2024 saw 77 students access the 16-19 Bursary fund enabling the purchase of:

  • travel passes,
  • books & stationery,
  • subject specific equipment /supplies
  • computer hard/software which supported their studies
  • trips, expeditions linked to educational purposes
  • University visits/applications.
  • Home solutions to private study