Year 6 to Year 7 Transition

Hello Year 6 families

We are looking forward to welcoming the class of 2029 into our school on the 10th 11th and 12th July when they will become true members of the CNS community.

Over the three days students will take part in a variety of activities including:

  • Sample lessons
  • Team building activities
  • Some simple testing online
  • Fingerprint scanning for our cashless catering system
  • Meeting the House Teams

We really hope that the three days will help to reduce the anxiety about coming to CNS in September and ensure that students are well-prepared. Above all we hope that they will enjoy themselves, meet new friends and start to feel a part of the CNS family.

Andrew Innes

Assistant Headteacher

Director of Welfare / Senior Safeguarding Lead

Tel:  01603 274067 (direct dial)

  • Students should arrive at school for between 08:30 and 08:40 and will be collected from the gate by Student Ambassadors and taken to the sports hall.
  • Parents have to say goodbye at the gate.
  • Parking is limited around the school gates – please park considerately.
  • Each form will have a sixth form ambassador attached to them for the three days.
  • Students should bring a packed lunch on Thursday and Friday. Lunch will be provided on Wednesday. At break, students will be able to buy snacks from the canteen using cash. Please do keep in mind that lunch s not until 1:20pm which may be later than your child is used to.
  • Students should arrive in their own school uniform, but will be given a house t-shirt once they arrive.
  • Students should bring a pen, pencil and ruler to use in lessons.
  • Mobile phones must be turned off and kept in bags at all times.
  • AT the end of the day, parents can collect their children from the gate – again, please park considerately.
  • Students should try to limit toilet visits to break and lunchtime where possible.