MFL students meet lawyer

On Wednesday 31st January, our Year 9, 10 and 12 language students enjoyed a visit from Frances Jenkins, an international dispute resolution lawyer, who works with clients with interests in Russia, Ukraine, the FSU, francophone countries and Latin America.

Frances is a former CNS pupil who went on to do her degree at Manchester, graduating with a BA in French and Russian in 2010. After her graduation, Frances studied the Graduate Diploma in Law and the Legal Practice Course at the College of Law in Manchester and qualified as a solicitor in 2014.

Frances talked to the students about her career as a lawyer and how languages have helped her. The students were really engaged throughout and following the talk, they had the chance to complete some language challenges which Frances helped with.

Year 10 and 12 translated a poem from either French/German or Spanish in to English, and Year 9 had some GCHQ challenges in Japanese, Braille and Swedish.

Some fantastic work was completed and winners of the poetry will be announced soon. Thank you to Frances for her engaging and aspirational session.