I was at CNS from 2012-2019. I did French, German and PE at GCSE and then French, German and English combined language and literature at A-level.
At sixth form I did a GCSE in Spanish as my enrichment. I was also involved in humanities clubs (Debating and Amnesty) and the drama department extracurriculars such as the musicals and dance shows. I played for the cricket, netball and rounders teams and ran for the cross country and athletics clubs.
What was your greatest school achievement?
My greatest school achievement was being selected for the UK-German connection seminar in Berlin. I was flown to Germany for a weekend and given the opportunity to take part in group discussion with 25 British and 25 German kids. We used the story of a lake house in Berlin to look at the last 90 years of German history and we spoke about generational guilt, migration and the future of Europe. This was especially interesting as someone with British and German heritage.
Favourite CNS moment.
My favourite CNS moment was when the cricket team I was on won the league. I felt very proud as the only girl on the team! Another favourite moment would have been my prom; I was on the committee so after all the hard work of organising and fundraising, including selling donuts every break and lunch and arranging a big quiz and chips event, it was so fun to see it all come together and spend the evening with my friends.
What makes CNS special to you?
Something that makes CNS special to me is the teachers. They were always supportive of my random ideas and encouraged me to achieve great things. They were the foundation of my self belief and confidence, which have led me to seek out so many interesting and fun opportunities, such as finding au-pair families, dancing a solo with a ballet company and living in five new countries since leaving school!
What have you been up to since you left CNS?
Since I left almost 6 years ago, I have been busy! First I moved to Germany and worked as an au-pair for a gap year. Then I started my degree at Heriot-Watt University where I studied a Master of Arts in Interpreting and Translation (German and Spanish). During my degree I completed two semesters abroad, one in Seville, Spain and the other in Vienna, Austria. I then moved to NYC for three months after receiving the Fiona Watson memorial scholarship which included a three month internship at the UN Secretariat and the funding to complete it. I am now back in Norwich and starting to work at a language school as a social programme coordinator. Throughout this time I have consistently been employed and have worked in events catering, at exciting venues such as Holyrood Palace, the National Museum of Scotland and the entire month of the royal Edinburgh military tattoo. I have also worked as an au pair in Spain for the last three summers and run English summer schools for children.
Who has inspired or influenced you?
My biggest inspiration is Maya Angelou. After being introduced to her by Ms Curle in Year 9 English, I have read many of her books and so much of her poetry. Her works have been a constant reminder to keep moving and trying new things. She had such a varied life and career that combined so many passions, and against all odds. Her autobiographies particularly inspire me to remember how big the world is and how much is out there for me.