The CNS behaviour curriculum reflects the values of our school community, promotes readiness to learn, and fosters respect and inclusivity for everyone within our school community. Â Our behaviour curriculum covers the expectations of behaviour routines within the classroom as well as social behaviour routines. Â The behaviour culture aims to reinforce CNS as a centre of pride within our community with the following values underpinning this culture: kindness, caring, respect, tolerance, community and inclusiveness.
Our behaviour policy is reviewed annually and can be viewed HERE. Â
Student Learning Routine – Being Ready to Learn looks like this…
Arrive on time to all lessons. Enter the classroom calmly when your teacher meets and greets you. Sit in the seat allocated on the seating plan by your teacher. Show you are ready to learn by having all the right equipment on your desk.
Follow the learning routines set by your teacher and start the ‘Do Now’ activity.
Listen when the teacher is giving instructions, so you know and understand tasks set. Complete all tasks to the best of your ability.
Participate actively in lessons, asking and answering questions to show your teacher what you know and what you need support with. Give everyone a chance to speak and be listened to.
When completing an independent task, your teacher will expect you to stay focused and work in silence. If you need help you should ask your teacher by raising your hand. Take pride and ownership over your work and keep your book neat and organised.
Student Social Routine – Getting it right at social times look like this…
Walk calmly and purposefully within school buildings, following the one-way system. Behaviour, conduct and language should always be calm and respectful.
Wear the correct uniform, with no hoodies or white trainers, any CNS or coat hoods to be worn down. Skirts will need to be of an appropriate length. No mobile phones to be visible or used at any times.
At break and lunch, use the seating provided in designated areas when eating. Clear away area after you have finished eating. Ensure you use break and lunchto visit toilets and fill up water bottles.
Respect the school environment. Deliberate littering, damage, graffiti, or vandalism will be dealt with as a serious behaviour incident. Footballs and other balls are used on the field only.
At the end of the school day, leave the school site in a calm manner. Behaviour to and from school should be clam and considerate to our neighbours and local community showing respect to members of the public.